Members of the following:

keith looking at field of cattle

Be Strong and Courageous

It’s always this time of year I catch myself thinking back on 2011. 

Keith was very sick and not yet diagnosed with Wegener’s Disease

His health was declining so fast. 

He couldn’t function normally anymore and spent his time between bed and doctor appointments. 

It was right around this time of February that year when his facial paralysis began (I’ll never forget the night as the paralysis came on; we didn’t know whether to rush to the ER or wait until morning), leading to an emergency mastoidectomy soon after. 

The doctors working with him through it all were trying so hard to help, but no one knew what to do.

As difficult as that time was, God showed us the beauty and blessing in suffering. 

I still remember Keith saying he never wanted to forget what it felt like to be right in the middle of it all. 

Life moved slowly, God sent help daily through people, and in other ways, we developed more empathy and understanding for others struggling, and we appreciated every single little thing.


Keith looking at red angus cattle


Tomorrow, Keith leaves for Montana to prepare for the next round of calves that will be born in March. 

Sometimes I stop and look at him, knowing his good health is nothing short of a miracle. 

He’s still here today for a reason, just like the rest of us. 

Every single day on earth holds a purpose for us all. 

We easily get lost in routine, bored if things don’t seem exciting enough, and lack the energy and ambition God wants us to be filled with. 

If you need a reminder today, God has important plans for you right where you are. 

If you’re in a difficult season and don’t see it yet, He will show you blessings and goodness that you may have otherwise missed.