Members of the following:

Bob and Keith in barn working

Good Friends

It’s breeding season, so our friend and A.I. tech Bob has been here about every 12 hours these past few days.

Eight years ago, before Bob was doing AI work and was just a good friend, he started coming by our place and taking care of things for us daily when Keith wasn’t feeling well.

We hadn’t asked him to, he just showed up and did it. 

Keith and I were still in denial that something was actually wrong with his health, as this was before he was diagnosed with Wegener’s Disease. Being eternal optimists, we just figured he was really run down and would somehow wake up one morning feeling fine. 

Well, that wasn’t quite the case.

Every year around this time when I see Bob, I think back to 2011 and how he just showed up and helped us in a huge way without ever making a big deal of it. What he did for us was anything but easy or convenient, yet he just quietly did it.

Without the help of Bob, and so many other family members and dear friends, that time in our lives (and the years to come) would have looked much different.

We will forever be grateful for this guy and the way he so humbly and generously helped us in a time of need.