Members of the following:

Brook being picked up by Keith and laughing

Growing Older

Somehow in my mind, I fell out of every age category when I was about 20. 

When I’m talking with kids, I think I’m one of them. 

And when I’m talking with older people, I think I’m one of them, too. 

If you ask my age, the answer is always the same, “I was born in 1975,” because I truly don’t remember how old I am (a sure sign of growing older, I suppose).

But I am old enough to say this––to all those younger than me––aging is a really great thing! 

Don’t spend a day worrying about growing older; life just gets better.

The things your younger self is learning today will all play out in the life that’s still ahead of you. God is using your today to prepare you for tomorrow. The wonderful parts of your life will grow exponentially if you nurture them now. The difficulties are preparing you for hard days yet to come. 

Trust me, God has a purpose for every single detail.

For me, I’ve learned that sleep is good. That realization came after years of not enough rest.

I’ve learned it’s ok to pass the torch; there’s a season for everything, and seasons aren’t meant to last forever. 

I’ve learned that imperfections, humility, a house with dirt on the floor––happiness is found there.

Relationships are everything. I hope you learn that lesson young, because our time on this earth isn’t forever, and we should treat those around us like it’s our last day with them. Forgive quickly and offer grace in abundance.

The dog that needs a bath, the flowerbed with weeds, the barn wall that needs painting––they’re just fine because that’s a picture of real life. Of course, I see ‘em, but it’s ok to let other people see ‘em too. 🙂

It’s so great to get older and have things like these come together in your mind and in your life.

Cheers to us all growing one year older and life becoming one year better in 2019.