Members of the following:

Carson Hickle and Sophie the dog


This summer, Carson asked grandma to make superhero capes for both he and Sophie. Grandma did, and soon the duo was out saving the world…or at least our front yard. Carson tried hard to fly from trees with his cape, dragging Sophie along the best he could. Unsuccessful attempts didn’t seem to be a discouragement.

When I think about a child wanting to be a superhero, I love that they don’t consider what they CAN’T do, but only what they CAN. I think God wants us all to think that way too. Sometimes in the transition from childhood to becoming an adult, we dismiss the reality that with God, all things are possible. We start to think that we have control, and when control is in our hands, all things are not possible.

My prayer for Carson is that he holds on to that fearless attitude always.