Members of the following:

Hickle boys and Sophie

Growing Up

While parents everywhere are talking about the past with eyes full of tears and wishing their kids could be babies again, I’m always cheering over what the next day will bring.  It’s always been that way with our boys.  Every stage just seems so much better than the last; I love seeing how God is working in their lives and shaping them into who He wants them to be.

When hay season came around this summer, Cole (8) was finally strong enough to buck bales on his own.  I saw the grin he tried to keep to himself when working with all the teenage boys, but he had graduated up from driving truck, and was proud.

When I look back over the year, all 3 of our boys have grown up in big ways.  With Keith being sick, they were exposed to a pretty dramatic life change for much of the year.  Through that time, they learned life lessons that will stick with them forever.  They were blessed to experience all that they did…seeing that God is there for us all the time, watching Him answer prayers, feeling the love and support of our extended family and friends, learning how God uses other people to help carry us through the hard times. I’m so thankful for all they learned.

Clay is dependable.  He’s the ranch hand that I call on to help around our place.  From driving tractor to shooting a coyote, he can do it.  He’s confident and resourceful, able to figure out how things need to be done.  When it comes to serious matters, Clay is someone I can talk to and confide in.  At 12 years old, he’s mature and wise beyond his years.  I’m thankful to be able to lean on him in many ways.

Cole reminds me daily that love rules.  He’s full of kindness and forgiveness.  He treats people and animals alike with the kind of love that God wants us to show others.  Last month when a World Vision catalog came in the mail, Cole spent most of one night reading every detail; when he was done, he asked if he could take $100 from his savings account to buy a goat and 2 chickens for a poor family in another country.  If we all had his desire and willingness to give freely, we’d impact this world in big ways.

Carson inspires me. He has shown me that a child is never too young to set an example for an adult.  With our normal, stable family life shaken up, he trooped along with his big brothers leading the way.  He was brave and strong when Keith and I were not there, and brave once again when it was his turn for a lineup of surgeries and hospital stays after an unexpected diagnosis.  One night before going to the hospital, he sang me a song…”Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  I needed that.

Growing up comes in different forms. Physical, mental, emotional – I’ve been blessed to see them grow in all these ways, but my favorite has been watching their faith grow. It’s clear that God put each of them in my life not only for me to help raise into His men, but also for them to teach me.

Life is good being surrounded by these growing boys.