Members of the following:

clay smiling in barn

Homeward Bound

In two short weeks, Clay is headed home from Montana to work with us on the ranch and help grow our hay operation. I feel like we sent off a kid last fall, and now we have a man returning.

Clay has always been an integral part of our operation.

We began when he was five and almost immediately, he was doing the work of an adult and loving it. It was easy to see that farming or ranching of some sort would be in his future.

His experiences in Big Sky Country this year have helped to shape him for the future, and as I’ve watched and heard from back home, I’ve thought to myself many times…it’s the sum of ALL our experiences, both the ones we like and maybe, more importantly, the ones we don’t like, that help us to know what we want in life.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: on many occasions, it has felt like we’re missing a wheel without Clay here. And with just two weeks left to go, I’m excited to get this old car back on the road again!