Members of the following:

Red Angus Cow

Meet Frank

Very few cattle on our place get a human type of name, and that’s why I want you to meet Frank. 

Most are referred to by number, (and because I’ve been asked before, those numbers really do have meaning just like a traditional name), but this little guy is one of the few. He’s named after Ol’ Blue Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra.

Yes, this calf really does have blue eyes; the first calf born to us with eyes of this color.

And yes, Frank likes to make it difficult for me to get a good enough angle to show you how cool his eyes really are. 

And finally, yes, I’m going to keep trying to get better pictures of his blue eyes so you will see lots more of him in the future both here, and on Instagram, because it’s just too cool not to share.

All of God’s creation is unique, amazing, and remarkable, and when a little one like this comes along, we’re reminded of that in a big way.