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Inside of building decorated for Vasculitis Foundation Fundraiser

Vasculitis Foundation Fundraiser

Since 2016, we’ve been honored to host the Rocking Bar H Spaghetti Western Dinner benefiting the Vasculitis Foundation

This fun little night out, held at the Neuwaukum Grange Hall in Auburn, WA, has raised over $52,000 over the past three years, and we are grateful for the support folks show for this event.

In 2011, after Keith was diagnosed with Wegener’s Disease, the work of the Vasculitis Foundation saved his life. 

We raise money so that other people out there might have a story like Keith’s. 

This night has blessed our lives in many ways, and it feels like we continue to be on the receiving end.

The work of the Vasculitis Foundation helped Keith return to life as a husband, dad, and rancher back in 2011. 

The Vasculitis Foundation worked on our behalf to get Keith into one of the nation’s top research doctors, and that’s when his turnaround began.

Keith and Brook on stage at Vasculitis Foundation Fundraiser

Today, eight years later, Keith’s care is still overseen by that same doctor and his quality of life is better than most would expect.

It’s a joy for us to host this annual event, as we constantly think of how each day of life on this earth is a gift. 

What if just one person out there could have a story like Keith’s? 

That’s the reason for this fun night.

If you’re local, or even if you’re not and you wanna take a little weekend away, we’d love to have you join us on Saturday, May 18.

It’s about as FUN a night as you can have––good food and drink, good folks, dancing, raffles, so much more (Don’t forget your boots and hat, the best-dressed cowboy and cowgirl each walk away with a great prize)!

Tickets are available online here.

Crowd of people enjoying themselves at Vasculitis Foundation Fundraiser